Rent your home in Malaga
Find quality tenants for your rental house in Malaga
We work for landlords guaranteeing them the highest profitability and security in the rental of their properties.
Find tenants with guarantees
We identify and study the solvency and delinquency of the interested parties. We manage the insurance of non-payment of rent.
Inventory of goods
Reception and review of the property at the end of the lease certifying the status of delivery.

Rent your house in Malaga
Choose your plan, rent your property safely
In inmoToré we help you find the perfect tenant for your properties (houses, premises, garages, storage rooms …) with all the guarantees, security, speed and savings.

Basic Plan
- Preliminary study of the interested parties
- Client portfolio and promotion in real estate portals
- We show your property to potential tenants
- Inventory of goods and photographic report
- Updated and personalized lease agreement
- We negotiate the conditions. Legalized digital signature

Advanced Plan
- Includes all Basic Plan services
- Delinquency study
- Management of non-payment of rent insurance
- Energy Certificate Management
- Promotion on featured portals and social networks
- Virtual visit to those interested
- Property review at end of lease
- Certification of delivery status

Premium Plan
- Includes all the services of the Basic and Advanced Plans
- Professional photo shoot
- Dissemination and contact with more than 1000 agencies
- Featured ad on real estate portals and social networks
- 360º Virtual Tour of your property.
- 3D simulation of the property
- Scale plan in digital format
Do you want to know the optimal price to rent your property?
In our office, by phone or WhatsApp.
You will be attended by one of our professional real estate consultants.
- Calle Victoria, 40, 29012 Malaga
- Mon - Fri : 9:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Sat: 10:00 am - 14:00 pm